Our Village:
Ban Chan Nua
Our Village, Chan Nua is located 10 minutes downstream from Luang Prabang. For over 400 years, the families of our village have been making pottery. Ancient kings of Laos chose this village for their pottery making skills. Supplying the royal court with clay pots became the central way of life for the people. At first the pots were used to ferment fish and hold water but now families produce a large range of items from beautifully decorated planters to terracotta roof tiles, making them almost entirely by hand and using the same techniques passed down through the centuries and from generation to generation. We have started our company in part to help preserve this amazing history as it is slowly fading away. There are only six families currently who are still preserving these techniques and the lifestyle of the pottery making families.

To reach Lao Pottery House, take the ferry over the Mekong and follow the paved road to the left for 2.5 km until you reach Ban Chan Nua. You will see the white buildings of the public pottery center. Lao Pottery House is located just 100m past these buildings. Would you like to visit us? Please contact us before so we can make sure we’re there to welcome you.